
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Domestic Goddess 101

I know, I know. If I were a truly a member of the trendy Young Mormon Bloggers Association, I would have never dared start a furniture restoration project without fully documenting the "before" stage of this dresser. (But you know what? I don't have an etsy account, SLR camera, or baby twins either... so I don't really care.) Besides working as a fill-in receptionist, this baby has occupied much of my time and thoughts.

Stage 1: I tell my mother that yes, I will refinish-- nay, resurrect and transform-- this ancient dresser that belonged to my great-grandmother's sister. The one my sister emblazoned her name into when she was doing her homework on the side of it in second grade. (No. 2 pencils had nothing on her grip of steel.)

Stage 2: Braving toxic fumes and melting my own flesh off, I coat the entire thing with stain remover. For those of who don't know, it has the consistency of a jellyfish. (And it stings like one, too.)

Stage 3: Still sweating my hands off in elbow-length rubber gloves, I scrape all dry jellyfish/woodstain layer off the top. At one point, I seriously thought I was going to quit. (I find out at the very end that had I put on a thicker coat, this process would be embarrassingly easier than what I made it) But one way or another, I finished! Which leads us to...

Stage 4: Bring out the power tools. 
 Megan was a great helper.
Wood dust was everywhere. When I finished, I was a (very) SANDY SIMPSON.... get it?!?
(Fact: This is probably the best pun I have ever made. I am still so proud of my brain for coming up with it.)

 Yes, it felt as awkward as it looks. (But also kind of empowering)
This is the best thing I have to a "before" shot. Just imagine it darker, with boring drawers (one chipped on top) and knobs (one which you can't grab because it always comes off.) Growing up with this dresser was what taught me that a butterknife makes for an excellent screwdriver.

Seriously, how cute is she? Watch out boys... she's almost in Young Womens. 

Stage 5: Now we can (finally) start painting!

Stage 5.5: I steal Megan's pillowcase.
After work, my dad and I hit up Lowe's where they custom mix paint for us in two minutes the exact shade of blue as her bedding. (Who knew they did that? Do we live in the future? I would submit that we do.)

At this point you may be thinking, "Lauren, what is the deal? Do you EVER put on clothes?"
To which I would have to say... "Wow, I thought I did... but apparently not."
This was probably the first time in 2 weeks that my hair was not in a little bun on the top of my head... like it is right now. 

Franklin likes to keep me company. His kisses are filled with affection and slobber. When we lay out in the backyard, sometimes we have to get him a towel of his own so he can feel included and not try to share ours.

Stage 6: Product Placement!

After a little room rearranging, we have a winner! (And turns out Lowe's IS magic- it matches perfectly.)
 All done... (almost.)
What you see as you walk in the door.

Stage 7: I'm so bummed I won't even be home for the best part!

We spent a lot of time perusing various websites looking at cute dresser knobs. She wants a bit of color to bring out the purple accents in her room, so she's thinking of something like this: (Made by Lisa Everett)

I find myself a little enchanted with beautiful home decor. 
I think if it were my dresser, I would have done the whole thing white... or maybe the drawers in a sea-foam green... and then gone NUTS with knobs from Anthropologie

However, whatever she decides on, I know it will look great!
Love you, Meg-- I am so happy you have a lovely place to put all your clothes!
(Just not my red polo. I found it in your room and I stole it back.) xoxoxo


  1. Oh my goodness that's like the cutest dresser EVER. I love it!! :)

  2. Lauren, I love you so much, and I want you to be the voiceover for the next hit show on HGTV. I would watch every episode (and I don't even watch TV!....except for HGTV). Forget radio news and tell the world all about living in the future and using butterknives as screwdrivers!

    And the dresser turned out adorable. In case you didn't already know. =)

  3. Yeah girl! Looks great! And I love how you rock the power tools. :)

  4. Dude, this rocks! I absolutely love it. Come restore my old dressers :)

  5. What a great job!!! I want a dresser like that.

    And I also looove Anthropologie knobs.
