
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

You probably think I'm dead

But I'm not-- if, in the next month you need to get a hold of me, you can probably find me in the law library, between the book shelves near the back of the first floor, where I will be lying in corpse pose, deep breathing. It's fine; it's fine; it's fine.

Yes, things are getting real.

Full disclosure, I probably work half as hard as some people, no exaggeration. And like, it's cool-- school isn't #1 on my priority list, and I accept that about myself. I don't want a job that will require me to make work the #1 on my priority list in order for me to keep up, so the best thing I can do is set boundaries now and let things fall where they will.

Even so, the Hunger-Gamesiness of it all goes to your head, despite all your best Peeta intentions. Don't even ask "what kind of law do you want to go into"-- your guess is as good as mine. Hopefully something that will make me not poor. I don't really care about being rich (although I'm pretty sure I'd be great at it), but I care very much about not being poor.

And even though I don't kill myself studying, I've definitely sacrificed some things to the first-semester cause: Running. Writing. Saturdays. And so on. I'd like to figure out a way to balance my life so I get those back in January (except for Saturdays. HA.) I'm not saying I don't like law school; I love it. It's so much fun, and so intellectually stimulating, and I get to learn with the best people. I'm so happy to be where I am.

All I'm saying is that I am grossly under-prepared for finals, below par on Memo 3, and DFJI$#Q)NDJS)($#XQ34KLWBR!#!#$%FEDBVH!!!!!!!! 

That about sums up all my feelings right now.

Despite the fact that my life is too boring to merit documentation, I feel like no one likes blogs without pictures anymore-- so for your viewing pleasure, I present

Snapshots from my phone: 

 I'm deeply indebted to the previous owner of my Torts book. 

Some self-pitying selfies taken late one night.

The single best piece of information I've learned in Legal Research. 

One day I got an surprise package in the mail- a 1999 cookbook from my grandmother. 
No note, just a cookbook. But when it comes to "Buenos Burritos," what kind of an explanation do you need?

Oh look, I do have a fun picture! General Conference: Hudzy & Simpsy 4-TIME CHAMPS!!!
(Did I ever mention how we "live-tweeted" our first General Conference in our notebooks at the MTC? 
Probably not because that was wicked. @Motab: Spring colors are IN. #statementnecklace)

The day I switched carrels (study desks), everyone else happened to be in class so I couldn't resist.
I've since spent a lot of time thinking about that post-it.

Halloween: Thankfully, that afternoon I had an errand to run on main campus. I tried uncomfortably hard to get a good shot of this perfect child-- but failed, so now I can upload this with a clear conscience!

 My dad and Addy at our home trunk-or-treat. He always tries for scary (or at least, shock factor) but she said she would give him a kiss on the cheek because she loves zombies.

Speaking of creepy, look at this part of a Title of Liberty statue in the law school.
I'm no mom, but I know a thing or two about how not to hold a baby. 

Seriously, how is this child even supporting his own head right now?  
(Or if he is older, then how is he still light enough to hold up in the air like that?)
This does not look comfortable or sustainable.
Also, his face.

I've really gotten into sweet potato fries lately. I don't know why I felt compelled to document this batch, but it ended up being my best one yet.

And THERE YOU HAVE IT, friends. From now until December 19th, feel free to pray that I will continue to not die. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh Lauren, I've missed your blog posts! They are always incredibly entertaining. Good luck on not dying.
